Personal booklet is a typography course project where students of WIZO Haifa Academy of Design & Education need to design a booklet, that describes the most personal and intimacy details, for each other. I got information about my classmate, his bio, stories, photographs and memories from that place, his favorite food, his favorite movie, his best and worst designs and arts. My role was to build a typographic grid, to develope a typographic style for a booklet, to find great solution for visual interpretation for his works and life at all. 

My priorites
I designed and recreated experiences and feelings of Yaniv Cohen, my classmate. As I new Yaniv as a designer with very colorful and very variable arts, I chosed as a style for his booklet to be black&white, quiet, minimalistic and elegance. I started to build a grid for that booklet based on a feeling I have for the Yaniv and his arts.

I created a visual system for fonts, color pallete, illustrations, grid, and after all the work was finished I printed the booklet, and crafted a 3D pop ups for his works.​​​​​​​
I felt wrong to disturb Yaniv's arts and designs by other visual noise, and because of that I developed styled illustartions based on his pictures, photographes, stories and bio. As a referense I choosed to use One Line hand drawnings, that I felt the most describing Yaniv's character as a dynamic and variety person. I drawned all the working visual files I got from him - his portreits, his pictures from some locations where he was, his memory of his favorite job, his favorite food recipe and etc. All drawnings were made with Wacom Intious Pro at Adobe Illustratior.

Pop Ups
I choosed to show Yaniv's designs and arts as a popups, that become something different by page opening. I read some instructions for how to make a pop ups, and after I printed the booklet I cuted, crafted and glued all his designs in a book. 
Bio Section
In that section Yaniv described himself with a shortage list of a characteristics: his proffesy, his passion, his favorite music and movies.
Travel Section
In that section Yaniv talks about his travel to Asia. Yaniv has been to Combodia, Vietnam and Philipines. The illustration at the left, like all at the booklet were drawned by my from Yaniv's photographs that he shared with me.
Food & Wine Section
At those pages I have designed a recipe for Yaniv's favorited food - Pasta Carbonaro and Chicken breast. At another pages I have described 3 main wines, because Yaniv once has worked as a wine tester.

Character Section
At the left there are a lyrics of Yaniv's favorite song and I have illustrated the singer, that goes down at the stairs, as she shown at her music video. 
At the right page I have placed a 12 tips for the begginer illustraitor, because Yaniv has mentioned that he want to be illustraitor in a future.
Movie section
In that section Yaniv has mentioned that he loves horror movies, especially Alfred Hitchcock films. So I have found an article that explaines why people like horror films.
Typography project

The NB Haifa School of Design 


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